With the weather growing cold, now is the perfect time to find a cosy nook to while away the hours. But which wizarding world location would be right for you? We’ve had a think and made a few decisions based on your personality.

Fancy a hot cup of tea and slice of cake in a cute spot? You would spend your time in Madam Puddifoot's…

If it’s winter, then it’s hot drink season! Tea. Coffee. Hot chocolate. Fancy hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream – yum. And what makes it better? Your hot drink served with a slice of cake in a location that is gorgeously quaint. If this sounds like heaven to you, then we think you would enjoy hiding from the cold weather at Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop. You are probably the type of person who fully embraces the twee aesthetic, loves accessories in sugary hues and knows where all the prettiest cafes are. Speaking of which, where better to warm up than this charming tearoom with that exact vibe? With bows, frills, lacey napkins and delectable treats, we can understand why Cho Chang thought it would make the perfect location for a cute date. And we’re sure you would spend many happy hours here protected from the brisk chill of Hogsmeade.

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If all you want to do is curl up with a good book, you’d head to the Hogwarts library…

We don’t know about you, but when the winter evenings draw in, one of our favourite things to do is to curl up with a good book. You can transport yourself somewhere entirely new whilst forgetting about all the cold, drizzly weather and long nights. If you’re also an avid bookworm, there’s one particular place that we think would suit you best… the Hogwarts library. With shelves full to the brim with all sorts of wondrous books, we’re sure you would find something to spark your imagination. Perhaps you would read Gilderoy Lockhart’s Holidays with Hags. Or maybe The Tales of Beedle the Bard would be more your cup of tea? Whatever your literary persuasion, you would certainly find it here and could avoid the frosty weather entirely.

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Fancy some cosy evenings chatting with friends? Then you would head to the Three Broomsticks…

The Three Broomsticks is a hive of activity and a great place to go and meet people – Harry, Ron and Hermione certainly enjoyed stopping there for a Butterbeer and natter on their visits to Hogsmeade. So, when the weather gets cold, we think this could be the perfect location for somebody who loves chatting with friends both old and new. This is the thing, as a rather popular wizarding spot, there would be plenty of people to talk to – like Hagrid, who was known to be fond of this establishment. We can just see him happily chatting to you for hours about the wonders of dragons – especially ones called Norbert. With conversation flowing and plenty of wonderful wizarding patrons, we’re sure you would be thoroughly entertained and would leave with at least five new friends.

If you want to live your best Hygge life, you would head to the Hufflepuff common room…

The Hufflepuff common room is cosy, inviting and the perfect place to hide from icy temperatures. If you’re the type of person who appreciates the small joys in life, knows the importance of taking time to relax and you want to live your best Hygge life, then you could do a lot worse than hanging out here. Grab a pair of your fluffiest socks, pick up a patchwork quilt from one of the beds in the dormitories and sit back and enjoy the cosy yellow glow of the common room. As somebody who enjoys your own company, you wouldn’t be bored when taking things at a slower place. In fact, you would happily spend time admiring the colourful plants and flowers that are strewn throughout the room, would participate in a bit of people watching and you might even find time for a spot of daydreaming.

Hufflepuff Common Room

Do you believe that cold evenings are perfect for a family game night? Then you would go to The Burrow…

Are you happiest when surrounded by those you consider your family? Do you happen to have a bit of a competitive streak? And do you enjoy some good-natured bickering and banter? Then we think you would enjoy a games night at The Burrow. We can just picture you sat in front of the roaring fire, playing wizard chess and happily arguing over the rules. You wouldn’t care that the house is a little ramshackle, or that the talking mirror is constantly telling you to brush your hair. As someone who is an extrovert, it’s people, not places, that matter to you. This busy home would suit your personality well, and all thoughts of cold weather would fade from your mind – as your heart would be full of warmth and laughter.