Harry Potter Book Night is an annual celebration of reading, usually with libraries, schools and book shops commemorating the occasion. For this year, the physical version of Book Night will be postponed, but there are still plenty of activities for you to still take part in online!

The physical celebration of Harry Potter Book Night is moving from 4th February to Thursday 24th June, as many of us across the world continue to stay safe at home. But the annual celebration of reading Harry Potter is still happening digitally right now.

So, how exactly can parents, teachers, carers, children and, indeed, fans of all ages still enjoy Harry Potter Book Night? The UK publishers of the Harry Potter books, Bloomsbury, have got you covered.

Fabulous Magical Resources Available to download

Bloomsbury have a wide range of magical activities available to download on their website, from colouring sheets and word searches to quizzes and discussion guides. Take a look here.

You can also find lots of other fun activities on Bloomsbury’s website, from the Harry Potter Name generator to a quiz to find who is your Hogwarts best friend. Visit here.

Open licence for online school readings of the Harry Potter book still available

Teachers can continue to post video readings of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books to students currently unable to attend school during the UK lockdown restrictions. The copyright restrictions on the series have been relaxed during the Covid-19 outbreak. You can read all about the guidelines right here.

And we encourage all the teachers out there to put on their best Hagrid voices during your dramatic readings!

Physical celebrations to be postponed

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Harry Potter Book Night will now take place on 24th June with more details to follow. In the mean time, you can start planning by signing up to receive an event kit through Bloomsbury’s website.

Please note, anyone who has been already planned an event for the 4th February can still go ahead on that date. Harry Potter Book Night is a global celebration, and anyone organising an event in a country with no restrictions in place are more than welcome to proceed with their planned events.


We hope you continue to celebrate your love of Harry Potter and books digitally this year until it is safe to congregate together. For more information on Harry Potter Book Night 2021, visit Bloomsbury’s official website.